The ICLA has approved the following diversity statement to guide the organization in all activities, including conference planning, conference delivery, elections, and communications, whether virtual or local.

We affirm the importance of cultivating an academic culture of increasing diversity and equitable representation, acknowledging that the fortifying perspectives of a diverse, inclusive membership are paramount for the long-term vitality of the ICLA.

We celebrate the inherent dignity and worth of every person, every group, and every way of life that treats others with mutual respect.

We take seriously the need to identify and root out attitudes and practices that stem from racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, and other ideologies of oppression.

We seek to create a welcoming environment for all that is free from harassment, alienation, marginalization, discrimination, and other oppressive practices. For this reason, we work together to ensure that such behaviour is not tolerated.

We recognize that developing a more diverse and inclusive academic culture is a process that requires ongoing change and continuous improvement. This statement is a signal of our intent.

We welcome suggestions from ICLA members for improving attitudes and practices related to this statement and we also welcome ideas for improving the statement itself.

Document history: drafted by Jennifer Hinnell and Jamin Pelkey, last updated July 21, 2020; adopted by ICLA Board, July 22, 2020 .

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