The ICLA encourages regional, national, language-based, or theme-based affiliate organisations for which it aims to be the umbrella organisation. Affiliate organisations can have their conferences announced on the ICLA website and, within certain constraints, they can apply for ICLA funding for these (see Apply for funding for more information).
If you would like to affiliate your group, please see the Conditions and Procedures for Affiliation. To maintain the group's affiliation, see the instructions on the same page for "How to Maintain Affiliation".
- The Argentinian Cognitive Linguistics Association (AALiCO)
- The Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO-SCOLA)
- The Finnish Cognitive Linguistes Association (FiCLA)
- The Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association (SCLA)
- The Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association (PTJK/PCLA)
- The Russian Cognitive Linguists Association (RCLA/RALK)
- The German Cognitive Linguistics Association/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik (GCLA/DGKL)
- The Discourse and Cognitive Linguistic Society of Korea (DISCOG)
- Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive (AFLiCo)
- The Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (JCLA)
- The Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language Association (CSDLA)
- The UK Cognitive Linguistics Association (UK-CLA)
- The Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC)
- The Chinese Cognitive Linguistics Association (CCLA)
- The Belgium Netherlands Cognitive Linguistics Association (BeNeCLA)
- The Norwegian Cognitive Linguistics Association (NORKOG)
- The Estonian Cognitive Linguistics Association (ECLA)
- The Czech Association for Language and Cognition