The 12th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO/SCOLA) will take place at the University of La Rioja, Spain, on September 9-12, 2020 under the topic Embodied cognition at the crossroads: Research methods and explanatory frameworks (
The following plenary speakers have confirmed their participation:
- Seana Coulson (University of California at San Diego)
- Irene Mittelberg (RWTH Aachen University)
- Arie Verhagen (Leiden University) - Francisco Gonzálvez García (University of Almería)
- Antonio Barcelona Sánchez (University of Córdoba)
This is the first call for abstracts for the GENERAL, POSTER, and THEME sessions. Papers in all areas of Cognitive Linguistics are welcome, but contributions are especially encouraged on the following topics:
- Cognitive models and their interaction.
- Cognitively-oriented constructionist approaches to language.
- Research methods for the study of language and embodied cognition.
- Cross-linguistic research on language and embodied cognition.
- Multimodal research on language and embodied cognition.
The conference features a number of theme sessions and a general session.
The languages of the conference are Spanish and English. Oral session slots will be allocated 30 minutes, which includes 20 minutes for each presentation, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion, and 5 minutes to change rooms.
Organizers of theme sessions will send their proposals in .pdf format directly to the conference organizers ( by November 30, 2019, with the following content and structure: session title, name and affiliation of the theme session convener(s), a description of the theme session of up to 500 words (including examples but excluding figures, tables, images, and references), an indication of the structure proposed for the whole session (order of presentations), a list of the authors, titles, and a maximum of 6 abstracts from all of their speakers, accompanied by all the information requested in the abstract specifications below for the general session. If the session is provisionally accepted (notification: December 7, 2019), the corresponding authors of each paper included in the session will submit their proposals via EasyChair ( no later than December 22, 2019 to be evaluated by the Scientific Committee with the same criteria as those for the general session.
These proposals should include the following information: Title, five keywords, an abstract specifying research questions, methodology, data and expected results. They should not contain the names, affiliations or email addresses of the author(s) and they should not exceed 500 words, including examples, but excluding figures, tables, images, and references. Proposals will be submitted through EasyChair (
Notification of acceptance of individual theme session papers: March 10, 2020.
Note: A maximum of 6 presenters and 1 discussant will be allowed. Discussants are expected to use a 30-minute slot, which should include discussion (15-20 minutes) and 10-15 minutes for questions/remarks from the audience.
General session: Proposals, both of oral presentations and posters, will be sent in pdf format (500 words, including examples but excluding figures, tables, images, and references), no later than December 22, 2019. They should include the following information: type of presentation (oral or poster presentation), title, five keywords, and an abstract specifying research questions, methodology, data, and expected results. They should not contain the names, affiliations, or addresses of the authors of the presentations. They will be submitted through EasyChair (
Notification of acceptance: March 10, 2020. Notes: The abstract should be completely anonymous; references to previous work by the author(s) should only be listed as Author(s)1, Author(s)2, etc.
Each contributor is allowed to submit a maximum of two abstracts (a fully authored abstract and a co-authored abstract, or two co-authored abstracts).
Each proposal will be reviewed anonymously by two members of a large international panel.
Each abstract will have to be accompanied by the following information, to be provided through EasyChair:
- author name(s)
- contact author
- affiliation(s)
- full mailing address
- telephone number
- email address
- title of presentation
- 5 keywords
- preferred format:
a) oral presentation
b) poster
c) preference for oral presentation but willing to do a poster (time slots for spoken presentations may be limited)
Theme sessions:
- November 30, 2019: Deadline for theme session proposals.
- December 7, 2019: Notification of provisional acceptance of theme session proposals.
- December 22, 2019: Deadline for individual theme session papers through EasyChair
- March 10, 2020: Notification of acceptance of individual theme session papers.
General session:
- December 22, 2019: Deadline for general session proposals.
- March 10, 2020: Notification of acceptance of general session proposals.
Two prizes will be awarded by the AELCO/SCOLA (
We are pleased to announce that the Spanish Association of Cognitive Linguistics will give an award to the best oral presentation by a at AELCO 2020.
The award consists of:
- Award Certificate.
- Reimbursement of the conference and conference dinner fees.
- The winner will be invited to send the written version (article format) of his/her oral presentation to the Review of Cognitive Linguistics to be assessed for publication after peer-reviewing. Go to for more details on publication guidelines.
Note that in order to apply for the award you should:
- Indicate your wish to enter the competition and attach proof of your PhD student status in the space provided in the Registration Form.
- Be a member of the Association.
- Submit a short CV (via Registration Form) and the materials for the oral presentation (PowerPoint, handout, or similar), which should be sent to the Organizing Committee ( at least seven working days before the beginning of the conference.
- AELCO/SCOLA Best Poster Award
AELCO participants are encouraged to present their research in poster format. The poster session gives participants the chance to present their research to a wide audience during the one-hour session devoted to each poster display. Participation in the poster session makes the presenter an eligible candidate for the best poster award granted by the Spanish Association of Cognitive Linguistics. It consists of:
- An Award Certificate.
- Reimbursement of the conference and conference dinner fees.
- Head Organizers: Ma Sandra Peña Cervel, Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez
- Secretary: Aneider Iza Erviti - Treasurer: Andrés Canga Alonso
- Members: Lorena Pérez Hernández, María Asunción Barreras Gómez, Paula Pérez Sobrino, Ma Pilar Agustín Llach, Mahum Hayat Khan, Inés Lozano Palacio, Carla Ovejas Ramírez.
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