The Society for Affective Science (SAS) is delighted to announce its call for abstracts to be considered for the 2022 Annual Conference, held in an all-virtual format between March 30th – April 2nd, 2022.

This year's extended format aims to facilitate international participation and account for schedule adjustments due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Already confirmed speakers include Lisa Feldman Barrett, Wendy Berry Mendes, Batja Mesquita, Desmond Ong, and Amitai Shenhav.

Advancing Interdisciplinary Science

In line with our goal to facilitate interdisciplinarity, we welcome submissions from across the domain of affective science including anthropology, business, computer science, cultural studies, economics, education, geography, history, integrative medicine, law, linguistics, literature, neuroscience, philosophy, political science, psychiatry, psychology, public health, sociology, theater, and more.

Abstract Submissions

IMPORTANT: Abstracts are changing this year!

All single presenter submissions (posters and flash talks, described below) will require a 1600-character abstract for evaluation and a brief 400-character summary for the conference program.

Symposia submissions (described below) will require individual 1600-character abstracts of each talk for evaluation and brief 400-character summaries for the conference program, as well as a single symposium overview abstract of 1600-characters for evaluation and a brief 400-character summary of the session.

Note: All character counts include spaces and are the maximum length. Detailed abstract submission instructions will be posted to the website.

Authors of highly-ranked submissions may be invited to submit an optional extended abstract, to be considered for publication in a supplement of our journal Affective Science. IMPORTANT: This does NOT preclude the work from being submitted/published as a full paper in another scientific outlet.

FOUR submission types:

1. Poster: New Idea - Showcasing a new research idea, complete with planned experimental designs and analysis approach(es). Data are not required, but pilot data for proof of concept are welcome. Work already pre-registered in another platform is admissible. New theoretical contributions are also welcome in this category.

2. Poster: New Results - Showcasing the latest new findings in affective science based on quantitative and/or qualitative data collected and analyzed. We welcome and encourage preliminary work!

3. Thematic Flash Talk - Showcasing the latest findings based on quantitative and/or qualitative data already collected and analyzed or new theoretical contributions in affective science.

4. Symposium - Set of talks providing an in-depth perspective on individual research areas/topics within affective science. Sessions can be comprised of 3 talks with a discussant or 4 talks without a discussant. All symposia must be chaired. Symposia will be part of SAS for the first time in 2022!

  • No fee to submit an abstract. The fee structure for conference registration will be announced on the website by mid-October 2021.

We encourage submissions from authors at all career stages.

Submission Deadline

Abstracts must be submitted by Monday, November 22nd, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Baker Island Time (BIT; UTC-12 — last time zone on earth) to be considered for inclusion in the program.

Submission Review Process

Abstracts will be evaluated based on scholarly merit by a double-blind peer review process with our Abstract Review Board. Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be e-mailed to the corresponding author by the end of January 2022. Presenters must be the corresponding author on the submitted abstract. All presenters must register and pay to attend the meeting.

Conference Awards

Poster and Flash Talk abstracts with trainees (i.e., postdoctoral fellow, graduate student, post-baccalaureate, undergraduate student) as the presenting author will be considered for an award, which will be announced at the conference during the closing ceremony.


For abstract submissions, please contact the Abstracts Committee Communications Lead, Katherine Aumer at For any other SAS 2022 conference related questions, please contact the Program Co-Chairs, Stephanie Carpenter at and Maria Gendron at

For more updates, watch our website and follow us on Twitter (@affectScience)!

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