Construction grammar(s) today : Methodologies, Concepts and Applications.
The International Conference on Construction Grammar- ICCG10 organized by Sorbonne Paris Cité University (USPC) and the AFLiCo (French Association of Cognitive Linguistics, www.aflico.fr) will take place in Paris, France, July 16-18, 2018.
ICCG-10 aims to provide a forum of discussion between various constructionist approaches. We welcome papers on cognitive construction grammar, embodied construction grammar, fluid construction grammar, radical construction grammar, sign based construction grammar, or other approaches.
Reception of abstracts starts: September 1, 2017
Reception of abstracts : December 17, 2017 (extended from December 1)
Notification of acceptance : February 1, 2018
Program announcement : March, 2018
Early registration deadline : April, 2018
Key note speakers :
Alan Cienki, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam & Moscow State Linguistic University
William Croft, University of New Mexico
Martin Hilpert, University of Neuchâtel
Sabine de Knop, Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles
Laura Michaelis, University of Colorado Boulder
ICCG-10 aims to focus on the different methodologies used in constructionist research:
- collostructional analysis
- statistics (exploratory, predictive, causal)
- corpus linguistics
- data collection and annotation
- deep learning and neural networks
as well as the different applications of Construction Grammar, especially how the notion of Construction enlightens research in :
- language acquisition
- language learning
- language teaching
- gesture studies
- multimodal interaction
- computational linguistics
- computer-mediated translation
- the detection and interpretation of multiword expressions
- the (non-)compositionality of complex expressions
ICCG-10 also aims to create a dialogue between Construction Grammar and other compatible linguistic models. Therefore we welcome papers that discuss the relation between Construction Grammar and:
- exemplar theory
- other unification based-grammars
- distributional semantics
- dependency grammars
ICCG 10 will organize GENERAL SESSIONS and THEME SESSIONS in parallel during July 16-July 18.
Theme Sessions :
Modality and Diachronic Construction Grammar, Martin Hilpert (Universtiy of Neuchâtel) and Bert Cappelle (University of Lille 3)
Constructional approaches to language contact and multilingualism, Hans C. Boas (University of Texas, Austin) and Steffen Höder (University of Kiel, Germany)
Constructionist approaches to language teaching, Sabine De Knop (Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles), Ferran Suñer (Université catholique de Louvain), Cornelia Wermuth (KULeuven), Université Libre de Bruxelles
Following the conference, TUTORIALS focusing on data and methodologies will take place on July 19-20:
Tutorials :
Constructions at Play: Hands-on Tutorial on Fluid Construction Grammar Katrien Beuls and Paul Van Eecke (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) (https://www.fcg-net.org). Informations about the workshop can be found on the tutorial website: https://www.fcg-net.org/workshops/iccg- 10/
Experimental methods in Linguistics Florent Perek, University of Birmingham
Organizing committee :
Bouveret, Myriam, Lattice CNRS-ENS- Paris 3
Desagulier, Guillaume, University of Paris 8, IUF
Legallois, Dominique, Sorbonne Nouvelle University-Paris 3
Lemmens, Maarten, University of Lille 3
Morgenstern, Aliyah, Sorbonne Nouvelle University-Paris 3
Perek, Florent, University of Birmingham
Perrez, Julien, University of Liège
Pietrandrea, Paula, University of Tours
Pinson, Mathilde, Sorbonne Nouvelle University- Paris 3
Torrent, Tiago, Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Abstract Submission :
Abstract for regular conference papers – general or theme sessions- (20 mins talk plus 10 min. discussion) and posters are invited.
Abstracts for the general sessions must be submitted electronically through https://iccg10.sciencesconf.org.
If you plan to submit an abstract for one of the accepted theme sessions, abstracts mentionning the theme session must be submitted electronically through https://iccg10.sciencesconf.org.
Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously and therefore must exclude all references to the author(s). The abstract should mention: general session, theme session (Modality/Language Contact/Language teaching), or poster session.
GUIDELINES for abstract submission :
The length of each abstract should not exceed 500 words, not including references.
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