EVOLANG XII The 12th International Conference on the Evolution of Language

Call for Papers

The 12th International Conference on the Evolution of Language

16-19 April 2018

Torun, Poland




Abstract submission by: 1 September 15 September 2017

Notification of acceptance by: 1 December 2017

Workshop proposals by: 15 September 2017

Notification of acceptance (workshops) by: 30 October 2017

Early-bird fee by: 31 December 2017

Conference: 16-19 April 2018

Submission Information

Submissions may be in any relevant discipline, including, but not limited to: anthropology, archeology, artificial life, biology, cognitive science, genetics, linguistics, modeling, paleontology, physiology, primatology, philosophy, semiotics, and psychology. Normal standards of academic excellence apply. Submitted papers should aim to make clear their own substantive claim, relating this to the relevant, up to date scientific literature in the field of language evolution. Submissions should set out the method by which the claim is substantiated, the nature of the relevant data, and/or the core of the theoretical argument concerned. Novel and original theory-based submissions are welcome. Submissions centred around empirical studies should not rest on preliminary results.

Please see http://evolang.org/submissions for submission templates and further guidance on submission preparation.

Submissions can be made via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=evolang12) by SEPTEMBER 1 SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 for both podium presentations (20 minute presentation with additional time for discussion) and poster presentations. All submissions will be refereed by at least three relevant referees, and acceptance is based on a scoring scheme pooling the reports of the referees. In recent conferences, the acceptance rate has been about 50%. Notification of acceptance will be given by December 1, 2017.

For any questions regarding submissions to the main conference please contact scientific-committee@evolang.org.

Further information about EVOLANG XII can be found at http://evolang.cles.umk.pl/call-papers-live

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