28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse: Call for Proposals

The Society for Text & Discourse invites students and scholars from various disciplines (e.g., psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, learning sciences, and others) to attend and participate in the 28th Annual Meeting of the Sciety for Text & Discourse. It will be held in Brighton, United Kingdom; July 17 – July 19, 2018. The conference will be held in conjunction with the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading; July 18 - 21, 2018.

The Society for Text & Discourse is an international society of researchers who investigate all aspects of text and discourse including processing and analysis. The purpose of the Society is to foster and promote excellence in research, to enhance communication among researchers in different disciplines, and to contribute to the education and professional development of those in the field or entering the field.

We invite students and scholars from various disciplines (e.g., psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, learning sciences, and others) to attend and participate. We invite proposals for individual papers and posters presenting original research on text and discourse processing, representation, and analysis.

Important dates:

Submission deadlie: February 18, 2018.

Notification of acceptance: the beginning of April 2018.

Symposia or Themed Session Proposals

If you have suggestions for Symposia or Themed Sessions, please send them (title, short description, list of potential contributors) to the Conference Chairs (Kate Cain and Jane Oakhill) by January 10, 2018. Agreed upon symposium proposals will then have to be submitted following the same guidelines as regular proposals.

List of Topics

  • Adult Readers
  • Affect and Emotion
  • Assessment
  • Brain Imaging & Neurophysiological Measures
  • Cohesion & Referential Devices
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Computer Mediated/Online Communication
  • Conversational/Discourse Analysis
  • Corpus Analysis
  • Development
  • Early Readers
  • Expository Text Processing
  • Gesture & Paralinguistic Communication
  • Graphics & Visual Communication
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Individual Differences
  • Learning & Instruction
  • Misinformation & Inconsistencies
  • Metaphor & Figurative Language
  • Multiple Text Comprehension
  • Narrative Processes
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Qualitative Methodology
  • Quantitative Methodology (Advances & HLM/SEM)
  • Rhetorical Structure & Processing
  • Sentence Processing
  • Struggling Readers
  • Strategic Reading
  • Text Comprehension & Representation
  • Think-aloud Methods
  • Web & Knowledge Technologies
  • Writing

Submission-based Awards

The Society recognizes excellence in research with two annual awards based on papers submitted to the Annual Meeting. Recipients of each award receive a certificate and a $150 award check.

The Outstanding Student Paper Award: The Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA) recognizes quality in work that is predominantly that of a graduate student. Accordingly, the student must be first author on the paper. The student's major advisor will be asked to confirm that this work has been done primarily by the student.

The Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young Scientist Award: The Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young Scientist Award (JAOYSA) honors the memory of Jason Albrecht, a promising young text and discourse researcher who passed away in 1996. The award recognizes an outstanding paper based on a doctoral dissertation. The doctoral candidate or recent doctorate must be first author on the paper. The student's dissertation advisor must send an email certifying that the work is based on the nominee's doctoral dissertation, and recommending the candidate for the award. Proposals eligible for the Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young Scientist Award and the Outstanding Student Paper Award will undergo two reviews: one by the regular Program Review Committee and a second by the Awards Committee. Only proposals that are accepted for presentation as spoken papers on the program will be considered for the awards. Finalists may be asked for additional information regarding the submission for the final award review process.

Conference Venue

The conference will be held at the Hilton Brighton Metropole. Rooms will be £116.00 - £151.00 + VAT per night, depending on size and occupency.

A full call for papers can be found here https://easychair.org/cfp/std2018

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