Language in the Third Millenium

The conference will be held on 25-27 March in Krakow, Poland. This time the conference will be international and bilingual (presentations in English and Polish are invited).

Language in the Social Semiotic

The conference covers a wide spectrum of issues that include the study of verbal and non-verbal conmunication as well the word and image relations, as approached from the point of view of social semiotics. conversational analysis, critical analysis of multimedia and multimodal discourse as well as anthropological linguistics and intercultural communication.

The conference topics include various aspects of communication embedded in a social perspective such as:

  • pragmatics of intercultural communication
  • creativity and tradition in intercultural communication
  • communication in art
  • religious discourse
  • humor in culture and communication
  • communication in the family and different age groups
  • specificity of gender communication
  • communication in education
  • communication in companies and businesses
  • communication for people with special needs (visual and auditory impairments)

Translation studies have always played a special role in our conferences. We suggest the following translation themes:

  • translation as (social) communication
  • culture-formative role of translation
  • critical discourse analysis in translation
  • translation sociology - translators in socio-cultural contexts.

The conference keynote speakers are:

  • Professor Konrad Dominas from Poznań University
  • Professor Zoltán Kövecses from Budapest University
  • Professor Michał Krzyżanowski from Örebro University in Sweden and University of Liverpool, UK.

Abstract submission deadline - 10 December 2019

Submission form

Presentation and publication requirements

We expect 20 minutes long presentations and 10 minutes for discussion for each paper. We also maintain the tradition of organizing a poster session.

If presenting in Polish, please prepare handouts with an extensive summary in English.

Papers and research notes made at the conference based on the presented posters will constitute a special edition of the Tertium Linguistic Journal (, an ERIH-Plus electronic journal)..

We will encourage authors of papers on humor to submit them to The European Journal of Humor Research ( - indexed in Scopus).

If the number of submitted articles was sufficient, we also plan to publish a post-conference volume.

One of the conditions for accepting articles for publication will be the thematic convergence of articles with the main theme of the conference and compliance with the editorial guidelines provided on our journal websites (for journal submissions) or on our website for the post-conference volume..

Deadline for submitting abstracts: November 30. 2019
Deadline for abstracts acceptance: December 15, 2019
Conference fee payment deadline: January 20, 2020
Deadline for submitting articles for publication: April 30, 2020
Publication of the special issue of Tertium Linguistic Journal: December 2020

Full fee: PLN 600 (EUR 150)

Reduced fee for members of the Tertium Society in good standing: PLN 400 (EUR 100) or PLN 480 (EUR 120) together with the membership fee for 2020)

Reduced fee for students and doctoral students PLN 400 (EUR 100, subject to the payment of membership fee of PLN 80 (EUR 20) for 2020)

The fee covers conference materials, coffee breaks, conference dinner as well as publication, but does not cover lunches, accommodation and travel costs. It is advisable to book your accommodation in Kraków in advance as this is a popular tourist and business destination.

Payments should be made only via bank transfer to the following bank account earmarked as "Conference fee JTT11":

Krakowskie Towarzystwo Tertium,
Bank Spółdzielczy Rzemiosła, Kraków, ul. Dunajewskiego 7
Account number 94 8589 0006 0000 0011 0640 0001
IBAN PL94 8589 0006 0000 0011 0640 0001

The annual statutory General Meeting of members of the Society will be held as part of the conference. We invite Tertium Society members to participate.

We also plan the exhibition of Tertium books and an exhibition of the latest publications from other publishers. As part of the exhibition, we also invite you to present your own publications.

Contact with organizers at

On behalf of the Cracow Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies

Prof. Władysław Chłopicki, Kraków - President

Prof. Dorota Brzozowska, Opole
Prof. Maria Mocarz-Kleindienst, Lublin
Prof. Joanna Dybiec-Gajer, Kraków
Prof. Maria Piotrowska, Kraków
Prof. Grażyna Sawicka, Bydgoszcz
Prof. Agata Hołobut, Kraków

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